Our rPETG is 91% recycled PETG material, where 9% is color and masterbatch. This material has been tested by the lostboyslab and is used in full production in our 3D print farm. The recycled PETG used in our rPETG is sourced in Germany, originating from traceable industrial waste and distribution waste of sheets and blister pack parts.
Can be printed with regular PETG settings
SKU: MATL0260-0750 Color: Eclipse Black NCS S 9000-N
Size: 1.75 diameter. Material Weight: 750 gram
2300 gram spools SKU: MATL0260-2300 for 3D print farms available late October-22
For 2.85 mm diameter for this filament please contact us for a quote, only available on special requests and in larger quantities
Mechanical properties (All parts were 3D printed with 100% infill)
Tensile Strength @Yield 49 Mpa ISO 527
Tensile Strength @Break 23 Mpa ISO 527
Elongation @Yield 4,1 % ISO 527
heat Distortion Temperature 72 °C @0,455MPa ISO 75